
  • Daily summer camp Bright KidsHouse 2018

    Let’s have a Kids House Walk …

  • Fun for all kids! 🙂

  • A space of more than 1800 m2 provides lots of unique attractions, which you won’t find anywhere else in Slovakia.

    The concept of our center is divided into its two main parts:

    1.Winter Games (mainly for elder kids)


    Each visitor can represent his/her country!


    • Canon battle at Fun Shooting Arena
    • Exciting sliding from the very top of a frozen iceberg covered by an eternal snow
    • Turf grass sledging throughout two floors of KidsHouse


    2. Summer Games (for babies, toddlers)

    • Climbing and chasing in our safe playground
    • Sliding, jungle gyms, LEGO cubby
    • Pool filled with colorful balls
    • Cute electrical cars railroad
    • Broad jump


    For all collective sports lovers there is a sport arena offering a football, basketball or a floorball playground. Let’s take your best decision and go for them all!

  • Let’s have a Kids House Walk …
  • Turf grass Sledging

    Take an adventurous ride from the second floor to the first one sitting on a unique wheel sliding on a turf grass.

  • Conquer Our Iceberg

    Become a climber and be the first on the top of an iceberg. You will be then awarded by sliding a 10 m long stainless steel slide.

  • Toboggan Competition

    Pure speed adrenaline. Toboggans stand parallel next to each other. Who is going to be faster?

  • Summer Games

    For all collective sport lovers there is a sport arena offering a football, floorball and basketball playground.

  • For babies

    Let your baby gain conditional and coordination skills on a great amount of tiny and safe attractions. And prepare them for medals in future…

  • Celebrations

    Don’t worry about the birthday or a name day party organization for your loved ones. We offer an awesome patty in closed V.I.P. saloons in disco style, mystery witchcraft style or in a fairy tale forest setting. Arranged exactly according to your wish.

  • Yummy Area

    Jumping, having fun, chasing around will make kids hungry pretty soon. We’ve thought of their hungry tummies in KidsHouse. In our kitchen we use fresh ingredients. Our tasty meals are Sous Vide cooked, which takes an advantage of all nutrition benefits and achieves tender results with relatively little moisture loss.

    Kitchen is open so that you can have a look and watch yummy cooking. Little chefs can create their own goodies playing with dough on a bar counter.

    Check out our delicious Menu: 

    Our menu

  • Price List

  • About Us

    KidsHouse is a family sports-entertaining center with its 1 800 m2 full of exciting attractions Bringing laughter not only to kids’ faces.

    We prefer a healthy lifestyle and therefor together with exercising you will be offered a unique concept of our kitchen leaving out fritting.
    The base are fresh ingredients, bio organic coffee and tasty cakes with no white four and no white sugar.

    At our place you’ll find entirely safe attractions by a reputable supplier.
    A TÜV Certificate is a proof we own.

    KidsHouse is a proud member of The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions with its tradition of more than 120 years.


    We are situated in a very easy-to-get place between Bratislava Airport and Avion Shopping Center in Aircraft Sporthouse building.

    Within our object we offer a range of possibility of a 4-hour free parking .

    Bus route 61 stops: Main station, Nám. Franz Liszta, Carpathian, Račianske myto, Trnavské mýto, Winter stadium, Bajkalská, Sabinovská, Trnavské mýto, Winter stadium, Bajkalská, Sabinovská, Trnava, Trnavská-NAD, Martinský cintorín, Clementisova, Big Media-Slowacki, Avion Shopping Park, Avion-IKEA, Fatruny (JUMP ARENA)

    • Adresa

      Ivánska cesta 30/D,
      Bratislava, 821 04

    • Contact

      Phone no: 02/20862411
      0904 563 631

    • Opening hours

      Mon – Sun
      09:00 a.m. – 09:00 p.m.

    Contact us

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